
head: catwa - lona bento head @ skin fair 2017
eyes: catwa mesh eyes
freckles: okkbye - faux freckles [powder pack january 2017]
skin: amara beauty - brooke - tone 12 [powder pack march 2017]
body/feet: maitreya - lara 3.5
hands: vista animations - bento prohands
nails: astralia - compatible mesh nails system w/ diamond addon
necklace: olive - the catch my starfish necklace: coral/gold
hair: nani - sakura hair [fatpack] @ the spring scandal
bracelet & watch: kibitz - hearty watch [bish box march 2017]
outfit: sweet thing - zoe romper [fatpack] @ collabor88 march 2017
pose: body language slc - notorious ao
particles: cole's corner - song of sakura @ the kawaii project march 2017
scene: come soon poses - [bish box march 2017]


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